Musique for R.PANIS:
dimanche 11 octobre 2020
jeudi 10 septembre 2020
Technical test
Presentation of the new live preformance, SETTON-PROJECTION II. Mostly technical presentation.
Using a minimal setup, for the most versatility possible.
Only 1 laptop without external synth or devices (as the previous video synth), an d only 1 controler.
Adaptability to the context:
- numbers of speakers (stereo to any numbers)
- number of video-projector (1 to 4)
Using only MAX for audio and video, with some IRCAM tools:
Antescofo, MUBU, SPAT.
vendredi 31 juillet 2020
Who is SEETTON ?
SEETTON is a side-project of Raphaël PANIS, dedicated to experiment audio and video. Including the creation of an audio/video performance using a home made video synthesizer that is able to generate video for 4 screens.
Some concerts and exhibitions :
Installation for 4 screens : Villa
Plaisance – ANNECY. August 2018.
Immersive installation : Festival
Texture – St ETIENNE. Mars 2018.
AV performance :
IRL-Performance - PARIS. 13 December
Festival Vision'R 2014 / Photophore -
TREMBLAY-EN-FRANCE. 23 October 2014.
Festival des Empreintes Sonores -
ANNECY. October 2013.
Raphaël PANIS is an Acousmatic
composer. He also made some experimetal videos:
Fall in...
Festival Modulations. CHAMBERY.
Dérapage 19. SAT, MONTREAL.
Les Instants Video 2019. MARSEILLE.